I have been noticeably absent for quite a while. You have probably all died of boredom while I was gone but just in case you're still hanging in there, I've decided to come back. Here I am! Today is a beautiful, crisp fall day. I'm having a cup of coffee and planning big things for my day. Things like washing mountains of laundry, cleaning, exercising, and job searching.

It's been a very busy few weeks for me. My cousin Danielle and her new husband John's wedding was this past weekend and it was a wonderful, amazing time.

I am so so glad we were able to go and spend time with family. We missed the people that weren't able to come but a few were able to skype in for the ceremony. Hooray technology! The wedding was a casual barbeque in Dani and John's backyard. The chaplain started the ceremony with a great line from "The Princess Bride"- "Mahhwidge. Mahhwidge is what bwings us togethahh today." Hilarious!

The little bit of rain didn't deter the party one bit. In fact, it created a gorgeous full rainbow over the yard and all of the guests.

The night before we left for the wedding, I finally finished my gift for the bride and groom- a homemade quilt. I sent fabric squares and fabric markers to all my cousins and aunts and uncles for them to write notes or draw pictures. They sent them back to me and I sewed them all into the quilt. Below are close-ups of all the family squares.

The whole time I was working on it I was really thinking about Dani and John and my whole family. I am hoping this quilt is something they'll have for years and something they can look at from time to time to think of us. Judging by the tears shed, I think they liked the gift. Hopefully no other family members get married soon because I need a break from all the quilting madness!

Stay tuned for some highlights on the other events of the last several weeks! Have a great day!
i miss everyone already!!!!!
Very COOL post Emily. The quilt was absolutely awesome. I know how much work it is to put together. We had SO MUCH fun this weekend. It was great to see everyone. I wish we could do it more often.
Your favorite Aunt (duh)
Ok. Now my heart is really breaking that I was not there! I missed you all so much.
Emily, this quilt is so beautiful. I am just so proud of you.
And that is hilarious that they started the wedding that way with the quote from Princess Bride!
Your real favorite aunt.
Cool pics. Great memories. Fun stories from the weekend. And it just hit me today why the chaplain used that quote. He played the albino assistant to the six-fingered man in the movie! XXOO
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